T.A.S.K ( Trenton Area Soup Kitchen )

72 Escher St Trenton

See route


Our mission is to feed those who are hungry in the Trenton area and offer programs to encourage self-sufficiency and improve patrons’ quality of life.


Our History

On January 13, 1982, the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen served its first meal from the basement of the First Methodist Church of Trenton (now Turning Point United Methodist Church). Soup and butter sandwiches were all we could offer at first, but because of the generosity of the community, TASK was able to expand its menu and its service. By the end of the year, TASK served more than 40,000 meals.

In the 40 years since, we’ve built and moved into our Escher Street location and expanded our services to include social services, adult education and creative arts programs. We serve meals, no questions asked. In our 40-year history, we have never turned away anyone who has asked us for a meal.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we expanded our meal service program to include dozens of community meal sites and doubled our food production beyond pre-pandemic rates.

TASK’s success is due in large part to the partnerships we have forged throughout the community and our ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. Today, we are serving 8,000 meals per week at 34 locations and offering a wide variety of programs and services to help encourage self-sufficiency and improve quality of life.


Phone: (609) 695-5456 x102