The Rescue Mission of Trenton

98 Carroll St Ewing and Carroll

See route

The Rescue Mission of Trenton is the agency in the City of Trenton that serves the truly needy men and women who have no place to turn for food, shelter and clothing.

The Mission is here to help end homelessness – one person at a time.

We start by providing a meal for someone who is hungry and has nowhere else to turn.

From there, we can help someone who is homeless to obtain permanent supportive housing, while receiving health care, behavioral health counseling, vocational development, and seeing new possibilities in themselves.

We do this by connecting. Connecting, compassionately, with those who knock on our door. And connecting, deeply, with our community in five distinct, yet unified, and vital ways:

Feel free to reach out directly by phone (609) 695-1436 ext. 129 or email Niki Graham, Manager of Community Outreach at