B.O.Y.D - Building Our Youth’s Development

Trenton Lower Makefield Township Mercer County

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Building Our Youth’s Development is a character-education and life-skills organization designed to motivate and empower students in grades three through twelve. B.O.Y.D. also includes parents and guardians of our participants to create cohesive shifts in family paradigms.

B.O.Y.D.’s mission is to promote critical thinking skills that foster civic responsibility and increase cultural awareness.

A Message From The Founder:
I started Building Our Youth’s Development (B.O.Y.D.) because too many of our children were dropping out of school and dropping into hopelessness and despair. Elders were afraid to step in and deemed them “lost”. If our younger generation is to succeed in life, it will “take a village”. B.O.Y.D. is part of the village. We restore hope by closing the belief gap and the achievement gap. I believe helping others is the key to successful future of our country. Each one, teach one. –Bruce A Boyd, Jr.